Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ode to My Designer

We are supposed to protect each other, that is a family.

But you grew up captive by your secrets.
Were guarded by your feelings of mistrust.
Making it hard for you to move on and forgive.
The tension was suffocating, it couldn’t erased.
Innocence was lost in a sea of lies.

I’m sorry for the way you had to lie.
That is not the love of family.
I’m sure those nights cannot be erased.
Something you thought you could always keep secret.
It is clear why it was never forgiven.
An  unspeakable deed that caused mistrust.

That is a relationship that should be built on trust.
But instead yours was built on a bed of lies.
Surrounded by shame and unable to forgive.
You learned what was not a family.
But knowing you must maintain this dirty secret.
So you decided your past must be erased.

But why did I have to be erased?
Shouldn’t I have learned how to trust?
Couldn’t I have helped keep your secret?
Did my whole life have to be a lie?
Didn’t I deserve to know the true nature of my family?
Why wasn’t I given the chance to be forgiven?

You are selfish and unforgiven
Your memory will be erased
I will destroy your family
I have no need for trust
The idea is a shallow lie
But I will maintain your secret

Because my life is that secret
I care not for forgiveness
I hope you are enjoying where you lie
I am here and not erased
I have a duty in which I trust
That comfort is my family

I understand the grand lie
Will expose the grand secret
While others shall beg for my forgiveness

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